Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Georgia PTA Scholarships

The Georgia PTA offers scholarships to assist students who have successfully completed high school and who are interested in furthering their education in a college or university to prepare themselves for careers in youth-related fields in Georgia. The scholarships are funded solely through member, local unit PTA, and Council contributions. The number and amount of each scholarship vary from year to year depending upon the donations. Over the last few years, scholarships have ranged from $1,000 - $1,500 per student. This is a one-year, non-renewable grant.

A student is eligible to apply for a Georgia PTA Scholarship if he/she:
  • Is a graduating senior of a Georgia high school with a PTA/PTSA. The PTA must be in good standing (i.e., dues paid, approved bylaws on file).
  • Is interested in attending a college or university education to prepare him or her to work in a youth-related field.
  • Has exhibited good character.
  • Has a satisfactory scholastic record.
  • Will attend a college or university in Georgia during the upcoming school year.
  • Demonstrates a need for financial assistance.

Deadline: Postmarked by the last business day of February

Here is the link for more information: